Seeing the Forest and the Trees


The better we understand our forests, the better we can steward them. The innovative group SilviaTerra combines satellite imagery and machine learning to help foresters pinpoint risks associated with the lands they manage. As a Microsoft In Culture partner, SilviaTerra uses Microsoft AI to power their important work. Schema worked with Microsoft to design and build the FOCUS/Forests website to educate the public about SilviaTerra's vision, the dangers forests face, and the benefits that AI technology can provide—for instance, the ability to map forests with a level of precision not previously possible. Through a series of increasingly detailed 3D maps and a compelling narrative, the site teaches viewers about the unique threats impacting US ecosystems and highlights how AI can support their resiliency. View the site.

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Extremely Detailed Maps

3D maps allow users to explore how risks vary in particular sections of forests. Geographic areas were selected to show a wide variety of US ecosystems ranging from the Olympic Peninsula’s lush rainforests to the arid Southwest's pinyon pine stands.

Innovative Technological Solutions

In order to visualize SilviaTerra’s datasets and make them accessible to users, technologies including Mapbox and Deck GL are combined to create a visually rich experience.

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